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In the heart of Stockholm, Sweden, a bedding brand has emerged that elevates the concept of rest to an art form. At Magniberg, slumber isn't just a state of being, but a meticulously crafted experience. Established in 2016 by the visionary duo of Bengt Thornefors and Nina Norgren, Magniberg is a testament to their journey from the world of fashion to redefining the landscape of bedding. With a career deeply rooted in the fashion industry, Thornefors and Norgren joined creative forces to reinvent the realm of bedding with a multilateral approach. Magniberg is the culmination of their collective ingenuity, a place where innovation, cultural inspirations, and emotional aesthetics converge to create bedding that resonates on a profound level.

Yet, Magniberg is not just about crafting bedding. Infused with cultural references
and boundless imagination, Magniberg has effortlessly carved a niche for itself by redefining the boundaries of nighttime fashion. Specializing in a range of alluring nightwear that seamlessly blends elegance with allure, Magniberg has captured the essence of contemporary luxury. Embracing the allure of the 90s, Magniberg pays homage to the iconic Calvin Klein aesthetic with their collection of underwear. Echoing the minimalist yet provocative designs of that era, these undergarments celebrate the beauty of understatement. The clean lines and bold waistbands are a nod to a time when confidence and allure took center stage, making these pieces an ode to both past and present. In a world where nighttime attire is often relegated to mundane necessities, Magniberg dares to challenge convention. At the center of Magniberg's collection lies a bewitching array of sexy nightwear that beckons to the senses. The brand's signature lace pyjamas are more than just garments; they are expressions of confidence and self-expression. Meticulously crafted, these lace pyjamas entwine comfort and seduction, allowing the wearer to embrace their inner allure with every delicate thread.