Le Labo

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Le Labo is much more than a brand of perfume. Translating to "the laboratory" in English the company has done something truly unique and groundbreaking in the field of scents. The company started off, quite literally, as a lab. Eddie Roschi alongside his business partner Fabrice Penot started experimenting with perfume and scents in the early 2000's. In 2006 they established Le Labo, a creative incubator they used to continue experimenting, while launching branded perfume. Together they had an extremely strong sense of what a truly perfect scent evokes and how it can be composed and decomposed. This resulted in creation of a set of cult classics. Rose 31, Jasmin 17 and Santal 33 were among some of the early home runs. But they knew that creating a collection of different perfumes wasn't nearly the hight of their ambitions. They wished to create something truly memorable, personal and life-changing for their customers. It had to be an experience. Something more than smelling a few strips and picking the bottle you like. To achieve this they create a set of boutiques - first in New York and Paris, then the rest of the world. These boutiques function as literal laboratories manned with highly skilled personel. The job of these perfumers is to guide the customers in the manifestation of their own personal, truly unique, scent. Picking between more than a thousand different possible combinations of different high quality materials allows one perfume to be unlike ANY other.

What counts for all Le Labo's perfumes and care products is a calming subtlety. You instantly recognise a scent and feeling like no other. They are never dramatic and in your face, but they never fail to leave a strong impression. Another key feature is the use top grade natural ingredients. Anything around and in between cardamom, iris, violet, cumin, cedar, sandalwood, vanilla - the list goes on. They range from sensual, voluptuous and feminine to intoxicating, smoky and masculine, while always remaining distinct. Le Labo creates extraordinary, life-changing and reality distorting products that will take you on a joyride of vibrant experiences and emotions.