Acne Studios

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Scandinavian Fashion design will always have a big brother. Not an arrogant, mean and loud mouthed one, but one that's calm, supportive and confident, the kind you are proud to have. Acne Studios, the older sibling in question, accelerated from small design collective, experimenting with jeans, among many other projects, to defining a specific look, world and aesthetic as, uniquely and solely, Acne Studios. Having, arguably, served as the ultimate reference of Scandinavian fashion for the past decade would, likely, entail complacency for most, yet Acne Studios continue to create beautiful, innovative and first-rate products. Whether you need a new suit jacket, hiking boots, baseball cap or heels you are likely to find exactly what you are looking for, and much more, in Acne Studios' very impressive catalog. For many, including us, Acne is, without a doubt, the answer to the "If you could only wear one brand for the rest of your life" question. Acne Studios simply check all the boxes. High quality fabrics, superior basics, timeless outerwear, on-point accessories, daring yet minimal aesthetics and an uncanny taste for understated luxury. Pleased to introduce you to our absolute favourite older brother, we know he is going to take good care of you.